Friday 17 May 2013

Taxi craziness of South Africa

Another child death on SA roads.  I'm sure I'm not the only parent that wishes these taxis were banned from our roads.

This time poor Ester Kalenga was knocked down on Koeberg road on May 10th.  The taxi in question rode straight through a pedestrian crossing and after knocking her down proceeded to ride away!
All that I ever hear is that more safety measures such as speed humps need to be erected.  Why cant the taxis just comply with speed limits and pedestrian crossings.  Its not a matter that there is no foot bridges for the pedestrians - its a case of blatant disrespect of the law.

Clearly nothing has been learned from the Humphreys case.

I cannot even tell you how many times taxis ride up the wrong side of the road to avoid a long line of traffic.  It is very frustrating for us drivers that is obeying the road laws and are sitting in that long line.

I understand the need for public transport but is it asking too much that the public transport have the safety of their passengers and others  a priority.

How many more children must die on SA roads.......